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时间:2012-04-11 点击:



为贯彻落实《浙江财经学院“十二五”人才与团队队伍建设规划》,全面实施“人才兴校”发展战略,进一步提高专任教师的业务水平和科研能力,帮助教师在外文期刊上发表高质量文章,学校特邀请剑桥大学Jamie Alcock教授和昆士兰大学Dr. Tom开展专题培训。

一、  培训主题:英文期刊文章写作与投稿

二、  培训时间:413上午9:30-11:30

三、  培训地点:下沙校区行政楼二楼200会议室

四、  主办单位:校人事处、工商管理学院

五、  培训对象


六、 其他事项


课件下载:Publishing in English Speaking Journals



Jamie Alcock 英国剑桥大学土地经济系教授,Dr. Tom为昆士兰大学教授近年来,两人应邀在球速体育、华中科技大学等学校多次作学术报告,并与两校的教授合作申请了国家自然科学基金项目,目前正在合作研究中。


Dr. Jamie将从AuthorReaderInstitutionFunding BodiesRefereeEditor等角度全方位讲述英文论文撰写与投稿中的技巧和细节。 昆士兰大学的Dr. Tom报告则将他和Dr. Jamie合著的论文呈现给大家,让听众从论文模板中体会英文论文的特征,进一步掌握Dr. Jamie所讲的英文论文写作技巧。通过这一培训,有助于提高公司教师和研究生英语论文撰写水平,推进科研国际化。

Jamie's research interests
Jamie's research interests lie broadly in computational and quantitative finance. 
The three subjects of primary research interest are (i) methods of pricing and hedging options, (ii) advanced valuation models of the firm and (iii) alternate risk metrics for portfolio management. As with all research interests, these studies are not pursued in isolation. These areas of research rely upon, and inspire, research into other areas. Correspondingly, Jamie also has research interests into the numerical solution of stochastic differential equations, parameter estimation of stochastic systems and stochastic analysis of economic markets.

Jamie has recently completed his PhD thesis, entitled "Numerical Methods for Quantitative Finance", where he develops sophisticated numerical methods for pricing and hedging options on supervolatile underlyings. The motivating example for this work was to price and hedge Asian style options for the Queenslandelectricity spot price.

Jamie's research has appeared in a variety of prestigious, international journals including Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Finance Research Letters, Economic Record and Information Economics and Policy. 



